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Steak Recipe - How To Make Steak Tender

Steak Recipe - How To Make Steak Tender   You invest a lot of time and money into the steaks for a special occasion and when dinner time comes, they are tough. What happened? How can you cook steaks as tender as your favorite restaurant? The first step to cooking a good steak is to choose the right grade of steak. The top quality beef is graded USDA Prime and commands top prices. USDA Prime grade meats are sold to the restaurant industry and specialty markets and are not as likely to be found at your local grocery chain. The next grade of beef is USDA Choice. USDA Choice is tender, flavorful and only slightly lower in quality than USDA Prime. The meat is well marbled with fat and will be tender and juicy when properly prepared. USDA Choice makes up about 70% of all graded beef and is readily available in your supermarket. USDA Good graded beef is an acceptable grade of beef that has only minimal marbling of fat. It is leaner, but may not be as tender as USDA Prime or Choice. Next, ...

How To Cook Chicken Breasts

How To Cook Chicken Breasts   You do not have to go by the book to create tasty, easy, sociable food. Easy meal preparation is all about stripping cooking down to its bare essentials using little techniques and conveniences to make the most of your recipes. It is so simple: Skip the fuss and follow your heart. Here are some tips to take the stress out of cooking, whether you are stirring up supper for your mate or hoping to impress the new in-laws: Dinners-in-a-Bag Make these dinner bags involving glorious aluminum foil and write on them, 25 minutes at 425 F, for example, with a marker pen. Even though Jools didnt like cooking, she never had a problem with cooking the bags. I just program the Favorites Cycle, in your microwave . Heres just one version, but feel free to vary the recipe with things like grated parsnip, smoked bacon or red wine. Chicken Breasts Baked in a Bag How To Cook Chicken Breasts (Serves two) 1. 2 7-ounce skinless chicken breasts 2. 1 handful of dried porcini 3...